Back to school: teen fashion 2010

This school year the trendiest back to school looks include graphic tees, shoes, and hoodies. Other must have styles include leopard prints, neon hues, bright colors, bomber jackets, leggings, plaid, oversized tees, and trendy belt styles.

When it comes to the first day of school always wear your best outfit to impress and make sure that you choose styles that make you feel stylish and comfortable. Look below for more back to school ideas.
It’s time to get down to studying! School holidays will be over soon! It is sad, but new school year means new meeting, new and old friends. Hey! Don’t forget be cool at school! The first school day is the first appearance you have after three months. You need to make it a good one, because first impressions matter.
If you don’t have school uniform then remember some things:
  • Keep clothes and accessories classic and simple, nothing in-your-face or over the top.

  • It’s normal to be a trendy. You have to adapt the trends to your personal  fashion style, or you’ll end up looking like a major trend-chaser.
  • Be confident of success! If you don’t feel like it, fake it. When you aren’t doubting yourself, no one else will doubt you or your choices.
It’s all about hot color combinations for Back to School 2010. This fashion season, choose bright colors like fuchsia and jewel-tones and pair them up with dark hued basics for a big punch of color. Also 2008 color combinations consist of rich green with navy, fuchsia with black, turquoise with chocolate brown, red and yellow. Taking this look is easy. Just get pair of these colors up yourself or look for patterns that incorporate popular color combinations. When you choose patterns, you can go graphic with big, bold designs like bright color blocks, batik prints, exaggerated stripes.

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