Prom Dresses:

Prom dresses are ball frocks or gowns worn for a prom. Prom is the shortened form of promenade, and is the conventional dance or assemblage of high school pupils in the United States of America and Canada. It is usually conducted at the end of the academic year of a junior or senior. It is one of the most significant events of high school pupils. A junior of the high school who attends a prom may be called a Junior Prom, whereas senior may be called Senior Prom. The dance can even be a merged one of juniors and seniors.
A Prom Queen and Prom King are selected; these are the titles granted honorary through a school election conducted before the prom. The remaining students are included in a “Prom Court”, and this depends on their extracurricular activities in the school. This is usually reserved for seniors. A “Prom Prince” or a “Prom Princess” may also be elected from the juniors. There would also be a “Post Prom”, after the prom, arranged at some restaurants or at the school itself.
The attire of the boys attending a prom can be a formal wear of black and white
, no matter at what time the event is conducted. It is at times accompanied with brilliantly colored ties or bow-ties and vests (a garment that covers the upper part of the body). These are available for rent at stores that are open particularly for these wears.
Girls attending a prom usually wear traditional garments. These dresses can be bought from shops specialized for this or through internet shopping or from boutiques. Lot many popular brands sell these prom dresses and novel collections reach the market during every prom season.
Girls also appear pretty by wearing corsages, which are provided according to their dates, and they give a matching floral decoration called a boutonnière for the boys, hopefully they will match the prom dresses too. Corsage is the bouquet of flowers that a woman wears on her garment (pin-on) or close to her wrist, most often during a prom or on her wedding. Sometimes it can even be a nosegay altered such that a girl can carry in her hand. Most preferably, the colors of the corsage should be such that it makes a perfect complement for the prom dress.
The girls also gather at beauty salons for hair dressing, usually in groups, and this is more or less considered a social activity.

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