7 Ways to Look Most Beautiful - Enhance Your Beauty within Few Days

They say that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. But still we tend to camouflage and alter our natural beauty with various medications and medical procedures. Only if we wisely follow a few natural and ordinary tips we can also make ourselves beautiful. Below are 7 steps that will enhance your beauty for sure. This will not be your temporary beauty enhancement, its permanent beauty.

1. Eat and drink right: What you eat is what you look. So if you are eating a healthy and well-balanced diet you will look good. Also drink lots of water. It will not only cleanse your system, but also hydrate the skin. This will help keep your skin young and fresh.

2. Take care of your eyes: Many eyes suffer from puffiness, darkness, and swelling. Make the area around the eyes look better by applying cucumber paste on it. Dark circles around the eyes can be cured by taking a small slice of potato and placing half slice underneath the eyes. Leave the potato slices for 20 minutes and relax. Remove them and wash away.

3. Remove makeup before you sleep: Our skin also needs lots of rest and breathing space. It can do this by removing eye makeup properly and regularly before you go off to sleep. To get make-up off you eyes mix some baby wash with warm water. This will even take off waterproof eye make up.

4. Moisturize your skin: If you have blemishes and your skin is dry, moisturize your
skin in the morning and at night. Use moisturizers with vegetable oil.

5. Get adequate sleep: Taking eight hours of beauty sleep for everyone is necessary. Your skin is like a mirror. It reflects everything that is happening inside your body and mind. If you have had enough rest your high energy level will be reflected in glowing skin.

6. Fight stress. Stress is a silent killer. Stress lets free radicals flourish and undermine your health and appearance. Exercise, yoga, meditation techniques and breathing exercises are helpful in fighting the negative effects of stress. Aromatherapy and laughter can help balance your mind and emotions.   

7. Follow a skin care regimen: Never skip your daily skin care regimen. Being regular with a basic program of skin care is key to consistently beautiful skin. Perform the four basic steps of cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing twice dai

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