Celebrates The Women Of Fashion collections

Celebrates The Women Of Fashion

Celebrates The Women Of Fashion

Imaginary Old Age

Had a mandatory health screening at work today- turns out I am quite healthy, with almost impossibly good cholesterol. I certainly wasn't surprised, but it made me reconsider my interest in age. I have a people-watching habit I call 'photoshop', where I mentally add signs of aging to young passerbys. I anticipate how their facial structure, body carriage, and clothing choices will change as they grow older.

The Latest In Ugliness

Today on Ugly Fashion Monday, we'll be looking to the future; a new breed of high fashion ugly has come to my attention.

It isn't glaring, ostentatious, or painful to look at. In fact, it can almost be overlooked. It's defining characteristics are figure-unfriendliness (often with 80s inspired shapes), and an overall tendency to be boring.

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