The Perfect Christmas Dress collections

I just know this will be the best Christmas ever. We are throwing a big party in the new house, something we haven't done before. We have a lot of space and everything is in pretty good shape. I'm working on the menu and the Significant Other is working on drinks, paper goods, decorations and the like. I want it to look really festive.

Jimmie will be back from his hitch in Iraq, Dina will be up from Georgia and a whole bunch of our family and friends will be on hand.

As the hostess, I want to look my best and I'm frantic looking for the right dress. I want it to be elegant without being too fussy and I want it to make a statement about Christmas which is absolutely my favorite holiday of the year. So while I love the ones I have, a little black dress is out. I'm trying to decide between floor length formal (too difficult to be a good hostess in one!) and a really cool sheath with some very classic jewelry. I have some lovely pieces from my Mother which would certainly please her no end.

I have to say floor length in a sumptuous velvet would be lovely. Diamond earrings and a bracelet to match works for me. I'll go to Neimans and Nordstroms and see if they have anything that jumps out at me and calls "Merry Christmas"

I'm really getting excited. When I find my perfect Christmas dress, I'll let you know.

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